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WeChat Pay HK

(Unless otherwise specified, "Consumption Voucher Scheme" or "the Scheme" on this page refers to the 2023 Consumption Voucher Scheme 2nd Instalment.)

People can download the "WeChat" App from a mobile App distribution platform for installation. Please visit WeChat Pay HK's website for details.

How to find the related number of WeChat Pay HK account

In the WeChat App, there is a dedicated section for the Scheme where users can check the related number of their account (i.e. the WeChat Pay HK account number of the users) (click here for an illustration of finding the related number of a user's account). Users may also scan the following QR code to enter the dedicated section:

Scan QR code to get account No.: Open WeChat, Click on "PLUS" icon > Scan; Scan the QR code, and you will be directed to your WeChat Pay HK account number

If you have any questions, please visit WeChat Pay HK's website or call its enquiry hotline (click here for contacts of WeChat Pay HK).